ParentÕs Notes "Oz - The Magical Adventure Interactive Storybook" is designed for children aged 4-7. Your child can choose to play or read the disk at one of three levels, Beginner, Challenge or Advanced. These levels equate with the age ranges of 4-5, 5-6, and 6-7 but may differ depending on your child's reading ability. Beginner Level is made up of single sentences with simple words and large type size. Glossary definitions are easy to understand and the descriptions are directed at the youngest age group. Challenge Level is made up of two sentences with more complex words at a smaller type size. Glossary definitions are more advanced and the descriptions are directed at an older age group. Advanced Level is made up of three sentences with more complex words at a smaller type size. Glossary definitions are more difficult and the descriptions are directed at the oldest age group. Your child can also choose between two reading modes, Read to Me, and Read by Myself. If you would like your child to enjoy the story as if it was being read to them, choose "Read to Me". The story will be read, animations will play and pages will turn automatically. If you would like your child to have a more interactive experience, choose "Read by Myself". Your child can choose the pace at which to read the story, can access hidden animations and can have the page read over as many times as they like. In this mode, your child can also access glossary definitions and at the Beginner level, can have single words read aloud. In addition to the story, your child can print out Party Invitations, Writing Paper, Pictures and Labels from the Stationery section. Installation "Oz - the Magical Adventure Interactive Storybook" requires a full installation of QuickTime 4 or later. If your installation of QuickTime is not complete, you may receive Messages similar to the following while playing Oz "You are missing some necessary QuickTime software. It's available on the QuickTime web site. To get it immediately, click Do It Now." If this occurs, exit the game, and do a full installation of QuickTime 4 from the Oz CD-ROM. Use Windows Explorer to find "QuickTimeInstaller.exe" in the "QuickTime" folder on the CD. Printing If you experience problems printing please be aware that not all manufacturer's printer drivers support printing in 16-bit colour (hi-color) from Windows 95/98 over a network. This is particularly true of some brands of networked black and white laser printers. The usual symptom is the printing of a blank page, since the drivers will not accept 16-bit graphics and Oz - the Magical Adventure graphics are delivered as 16 bit. If problems occur please try the following 1) Upgrade your drivers to the latest version (the latest drivers are usually from the manufacturer's web site or your supplier). 2) If the printer supports postscript, use postscript drivers instead. 3) If it is possible, connect the printer locally rather than over a network. Error Message If you experience a blue screen error that begins "A fatal exception OE has occurred..." or the product completely locks up. Please try the following Click on start then Run and type C\Windows\qtw.ini Under the [Video] section, change Optimize=Hardware to Optimize=RAW. Ensure you type exactly as shown. It is case sensitive. Close the qtw.ini file, saving the changes. Should you experience any other problems not mentioned above you should first try cleaning the disk and obtaining new video and sound card drivers. If this does not solve the problem contact our technical support teams in your country (See the phone number printed on the back of the CD case), or visit our website WWW.DK.COM